Fix the issue of characters displaying as blocks on OneKey Pro and OneKey Touch

If your OneKey Pro or OneKey Touch devices encounters the issue where most characters on the screen are displayed as blocks, please follow the steps in this guide to resolve the problem.

OneKey Pro OneKey Touch


  1. Set OneKey Pro to Boardloader Mode
    • Connect the Pro to your computer using a data cable.

    • In your browser, visit: OneKey Firmware.

    • Click on "Click to enter the board mode", unlock the device, and then tap "Confirm" on the screen.

    • When the first line on the device screen displays "OneKey Boardloader," it indicates that the device is now in Boardloader mode.

  2. Download the Latest Resource Files for OneKey Pro
    • Visit the OneKey CDN
    • Navigate to "pro" -> "firmware-v5" -> "fullResource" to get the download link for the resources. Download the file and extract it.SCR-20240708-nmwz.png
  3. Copy the Resource Files
    • Connect the OneKey Pro to your computer using a data cable. Locate and open the disk named "ONEKEY DATA."
    • Find the folder named "res" on this disk (Note: Ensure that your computer system is set to "show hidden files").
    • Copy all the files from the extracted resource folder into the "res" folder. If prompted to overwrite existing files, choose "Replace All."
    • Once the file copying is complete, safely eject the disk from your computer and restart the OneKey Pro.

By following these steps, the character display issue on your OneKey Pro should be resolved.

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