Solution for firmware upgrade page not recognizing hardware wallet

If the firmware upgrade page ( fails to recognize your hardware wallet (as shown in the image below), please follow the steps in this tutorial to troubleshoot the issue:


  1. Exit the OneKey App and close any OneKey-related pages in your browser.
  2. Visit the URL "" to check if the OneKey Bridge is running normally:
    • If the page is inaccessible, it means the Hardware Bridge is not running. Please download and install the OneKey Bridge. 
    • If the page can be accessed and displays "Connected devices: 0", it means the hardware has not been recognized. Please try using a different cable or computer port.
    • If the page can be accessed and displays "Connected devices: 1", it means the bridge is running normally and has recognized the hardware wallet. In this case, refresh the firmware upgrade page to proceed with the update.
  3. Clear the cache and reconnect the hardware wallet again.
  4. Try using Edge or other web browsers to open for firmware installation.
  5. For hardware wallets with older firmware versions, you need to put the hardware device into BootLoader mode first, then refresh the page and follow the instructions to install the firmware. Refer to this article for instructions on how to enter BootLoader/Update Mode:

If you encounter any problems during the installation process, please submit a support ticket to us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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