How to enter and exit the Bootloader mode on OneKey hardware wallets

This article provides you with the methods to enter and exit the Bootloader mode on different OneKey hardware wallets.

A bootloader is a critical piece of software that runs when your OneKey hardware wallet device is powered on. It is responsible for initializing the hardware and loading the main operating system or firmware.

Enter the Bootloader Mode

OneKey Mini
  • Press and hold the OneKey Mini screen lock button while inserting the data cable to connect to the computer to enter Bootloader mode.


OneKey Classic (& 1S)
  • Press and hold the power button and down button without releasing until the screen displays "power on..."
  • Release the power button, and you can enter the Bootloader mode.


OneKey Touch
  • Click "Settings" - "About Device" - "System Update" - "Restart" to enter the Bootloader mode.


OneKey Pro
  • Click "Settings" - "About Device" - "System Update" - "Restart" to enter the Bootloader mode.


Exit the Bootloader Mode

How to exit Bootloader mode:

  1. In most cases, long press the power button and then restart the device to exit the Bootloader mode.
  2. If there is no response after pressing the power button, the hardware wallet may be stuck in Bootloader mode. Please keep the device powered on until the battery is depleted, and then restart the hardware wallet.
  3. If the device is still unusable after the battery is depleted and recharged, it may be due to an installation error caused by unstable network or connection during the firmware installation process, and the firmware needs to be reinstalled. (Before reinstalling, please make sure your recovery phrase is correctly backed up) How to download and install firmware? Refer here.

If none of the above methods work, please contact OneKey Customer Support and submit a request.

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