OneKey Lite FAQs

This FAQ page addresses the most common questions regarding OneKey Lite. If you still can't find the answer you're looking for, please contact OneKey Customer Support.

1. What is OneKey Lite?

OneKey Lite is a backup kit that conveniently stores users' wallet recovery phrases in hardware.

2. Can OneKey Lite back up the mnemonics of the hardware wallet?

Yes, OneKey Lite has supported backing up the mnemonics of the OneKey Pro hardware wallet. 

3. What is the technical principle of OneKey Lite?

The OneKey Lite card is equipped with a CC EAL6+ secure chip, and utilizes NFC (Near Field Communication) for data transmission. It features military-grade encryption throughout the process, enabling instant wallet backup and recovery.

4. Does OneKey Lite support backing up the recovery phrases of other wallets?

Yes. Firstly, you need to import the recovery phrases of other wallets into the OneKey App. Secondly, choose OneKey Lite as your backup solution. (More details)

5. With OneKey Lite, how many sets of recovery phrases can be backed up?

Only one set of recovery phrases can be backed up on a OneKey Lite card. When you try to back up another set of recovery phrases, your previous backup will be fully overwritten and will be lost forever.

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