User data protection

OneKey has always maintained strict policies regarding the handling of customer data. Typically, OneKey does not store any data about its users' devices, activities, or personal information.

OneKey Devices

We do not actively track the device, so the device and all its hardware are not linked to the user and are completely interchangeable.

OneKey Device Packaging Barcodes

The barcode on the back of the OneKey device packaging is specific to the product and is generally only relevant to warehouses and customs.

OneKey App

  • We do not permanently record any user data.
  • For most data, the OneKey App is only stored locally.
  • Wallet addresses, XPUB, etc., are used only in real-time, meaning they are transmitted to the backend when using your OneKey device.
  • If you choose to collect data anonymously, this will only be used for development purposes.

Orders and Privacy Policy

We intentionally delete order data, including names, addresses and phone numbers, on a regular basis for the purpose of protecting user privacy.

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