If you're experiencing issues locating the correct account for your address in the OneKey App, follow these steps to resolve common problems:
- Check if Passphrase is Enabled: Ensure that your device has the correct passphrase setting. Different passphrases can lead to entirely different wallets. Verify you are using the correct one.
- Verify the Address Type: Make sure you are using the correct address type (For example: Bitcoin has 4 address types; Litecoin has 3 address types). Double-check that the address type matches your account settings.
- Confirm the Address Index: Verify that the index of your address is accurate. You can do this by: Navigate to account management -> Select "Add account" to generate and add multiple addresses.
- Adjust the Derivation Path for Imported Ledger Mnemonics: If you’ve imported a mnemonic originally generated from Ledger, certain chains may require you to adjust the derivation path. You can do this in the OneKey App by: Go to "Settings" -> Select "Account derivation path" -> Select chain and switch to "Ledger Live."
Following these steps should help you find the correct account for your address. If the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.